
banyan [17] Banyan originally meant ‘Hindu trader’. It is an arabization of Gujarati vāniyān ‘traders’, which comes ultimately from Sanskrit vanija ‘merchant’ (the Portuguese version, banian, produced an alternative English spelling). When European travellers first visited Bandar Abbas, a port on the Persian Gulf, they found there a pagoda which the banyans had built in the shade of a large Indian fig tree. They immediately applied the name banyan to this particular tree, and the term later widened to include all such trees.

John Ayto, Word Origins: The Secret histories of English Words from A to Z, 2nd ed. (A & C Black, 2005)


In Japanese Buddhist belief, the bosatsu (future Buddha) is considered the god or goddess of mercy. Kannon was originally a male god but eventually came to be considered female. Myths and legends therefore sometimes portray Kannon as male, sometimes as female. According to myth, Kannon was born when a beam of light flashed from the right side of the Buddha Amitabha. She decided to stay on earth as a bodhisattva, or “Buddha-to-be,” and help humankind.

Jeremy Roberts, Japanese Mythology A to Z, 2nd Ed., Chelsea House


There are many science-is-fun books for young readers. But it isn’t only children who wonder “Why?” or “How?” Curiosity doesn’t end at puberty, nor does the genuine fun of understanding why things happen.

Robert Wolke, What Einstein Told His Barber: More Scientific Answers to Everyday Questions, Dell


science-is-fun book の science-is-fun のように、もともと複数の語であるものをハイフンで強引につなげばそれで一語になる。このような語は複合語 (compound; compound word) と呼ばれる。この場合は、名詞 books の前に置かれているので形容詞として機能し、複合形容詞 (compound adjective) に分類される。

science-is-fun が新語として辞書に載る可能性はほとんどないと思うが、そんなこととは無関係に、言葉を新しく作り出すのはだれにとっても楽しいことだろう。ハイフンを使うだけでそれまでばらばらだった言葉がひとつになる。これは一番手軽な新語作成法で、ワタシもついつい作ってみたくなる。

科学も楽しいが、ハイフンで言葉をつなぐのも楽しい。A compound word is a hyphenation-is-fun word.