(In a List of Beauty Recipes) 5. An infallible wrinkle-remover. 6. A superfluous hair-remover (i.e. a hair-remover that no-one wants). / The financial record of the Lloyd George-Winston Churchill Government (i.e. of the Government composed of Lloyd, Churchill, & George Winston). / Mr Scott Dickson, the ex-Tory Solicitor-General for Scotland (i.e. the Solicitor-General who formerly was but no longer is a Tory). / The Unionist Housing of the Working-Classes Bill was read a second time yesterday (i. e. the way the Unionists house the Working-Classes Bill; poor ill-housed Billy!). / Grieving, as a Nonconformist, over the sins of his fellow-Free Churchmen (i.e. of his Churchmen who are unhampered by companions). / (Heading) PEACE MEETING RIOT (i.e. the way peace deals with riot; what is meant is riot at a peace-meeting). / Even the most bigoted anti-trade unionist (i.e. the unionist who is most opposed to trade). / The Chancello, plans to reconstruct the Billow (Conservative-National-Liberal) Block (i.e. that of Conservatives, Nationals, & Liberals; what is meant is that of the Conservatives & the National Liberals). / Last April the Acting-British Consul at Shiraz was attacked (i.e. the Consul who was pretending to be British). / And Sir Henniker-Heaton is more fortunate than many of those who cry in the wilderness (If Henniker is Christian name, no hyphen; if it is surname, a Christian name is wanted; see hon.). / If lay-writers can publish what they please, are naval officers to remain compulsorily silent? (i.e. writers of lays). / (A Reichstag party) intent on introducing an anti-English & strong Navy agitation into the elections (i.e. a strong agitation about the Navy; but what is meant is an agitation for a strong Navy).
H. W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, Oxford University Press, 1926; the classic first edition, 2009, pp.243-244.